Beste Courier tracking app. Uw tracking-id bladwijzer en haal de status altijd en overal op Courier tracking app voor meer dan 200 koeriers. Startpagina toont geschiedenis van bijgehouden zendingen, Ingebouwde barcodescanner voor het volgen van zending door gewoon het scannen van de streepjescode U schermafbeeldingen van de resultaatpagina maken door op het camerapictogram te klikken. Momenteel genoemde Couriers- DTDC, Bombino, AFL/FedEx,Air Star Xpress,Air State,Airborne Intl,AirWings,AJ Express, Akash Ganga, Akr Express,Alleppey Parcel,ANL,Antron Express,Safe Express,Indian Post,Aramex,Ashok Airways,Associated Road,Atlantic,ATS,AXL,Beacon,Bhavna Roadways,Bibha,BlazeFlash,Blue Dart,BNL Air,BOM-GIM,DHL India,Bengaals Geweld, Professioneel,DotZot,Delhivery,Continental Courier,Concorde Express, CNZ Express, Boek Mijn Pakket, BSA Logistiek, Bulgaarse Post, Canada Post, Central Express, Ceska Posta, China Post, Chips International, Eerste vlucht, Citipost, CJ Korea Express, Overnite, OnDot, Gati, gojavas, V-Express, V-Trans, Vayu Seva, USPS, Vichare, VR Vulcan Express, Zodiac Express, Yogayog, Yanwen Express, Xpressbees, Xfas Logistic, Wow Express, WorldNet Express, World First, Satellite Cargo, Saudi Post, SCM For You, Seko Logistics, Sequel, Shree Anjani, Shree Balaji ,Sigma,Shree Mahabali,Shree Mahavir,Shree Maruti,Shree Nandan,Shree Tirupati,Shri Karni, Shri Sai,UBX,Singapore Post,SJ Worldwide,Skycom Express,Skylark Express,Skynet World-Wide,Skynet India,SM,Soham International,Speed and safe,Speed Express,Speed Net Express,Speedman Air,Spoton,SRK Communique,ST,UC Global,Suntika,Super Trade,Uncle Parcels,Sweden Post,Swiss Freight,Swiss Post,UCS, Priority Express,Pacific Express,Palande,Parcel Force,Parcel2Go,Parcelled,Parveen Express,Patel Roadways,Pavan,Pick Speed,Pickme Express,Red Express,Pigeon Express,Pionexxco,Poolse Post,Poonam,POS Maleisië,PostNL, PRG EXPRESS INDIA, Prime Express, PrimeTrack/Trackon, Royal Mail,Procure, PSS, Purolator, Pushpak, Q Express, Rapidconnect, Rajdhani Air Express, Kesineni Cargo, Khubani, King World Wide, Megacity, Lalji Mulji, Metro Swift, Megharaj, Ludhiana Express ,Madhur,Madurai Radha Transport,MailEx,Maruti Air,Max Pacific,KGS Cargo,Mirakle,MML Logistics,MSK Worldwide,mypacco,Daakiyaa,Dakiya,DCS,Delex,DPD,Delnet Express ,,Deus India,DHL Sameday,Dreamco Express,E-Vahan,Ecom Express,HighFly,Elbex,Elta,Emirates Post,EMS Korea,eParcel,Excess,Expan,Expan,Falcon,Fardar,Faspeed,Fast & First,Good Luck,First Flight Canada,Flight Despatch,Flyking,Franch Express,FSC,Global Mail Express,GMS Worldwide,ICC World,ICL,ICS,Inland World,Innovex,Linex Solutions,Jaipur Golden,Jetline,JV Express,Nitco,NONSTOP, Nuvo Ex, OCS Worldwide,Om International,Om Logistiek, Omni Express, Orbit Worldwide,Overseas Express,Con-way,Smsa-Express,KGM-Hub,AirSpeed intl Corp, Matkahuolto,InPost, Mondial relay,sure post,Old Dominion,echo,Alfaa Logistics,BookAWheel,City-Link Express,Despatch Bay, Esskay Logistics, Motherland, Roadrunner ,Verzenden vanuit China/SFC,Sharp Century,Leopards,Flytexpress,Overseas Logistics,Tyrone Telen,Fast Logistic,Dart on Dot,GD Express-Malaysia,GD Express-Singapore,Safe Choice,Saudi Cargo,Scudex Express,Skyking,Girnar Logistics,4PX,7 horses Logistics,A-1 International,A3 Express,ABT,ABF Freight,ACS,AN Post,APC Postal Logistics,ARROW IT,Collect+,Criticalog,Deltec Courier,DHL Global,DPD UK,Eagle Courier,Eagle Logistics,Expressit Courier,Estes,Fastway Ireland,FedEx UK,First Connections,Greyhound,i-parcel,Interlink Express,Mettur Transport,Metro Maruti Courier,my Hermes, Kenya Post,LaserShip,Universal Worldwide,UPS,UPS Freight,Velex,Vietnam Post,YRC,XDP Express,WhipDart,Exception and many more. Momenteel beursgenoteerde E-Commerce- Amazon, Flipkart, Shopclues, Snapdeal, Infibeam Momenteel beursgenoteerde vluchten- Indian Railway, Jet Airways, Spice Jet, Go Air, Air Costa PNR, Air Costa Web-check-in, Air Asia WebCheckIn, Air India, Indigo.
Vereiste machtigingen- Camera- Voor het scannen van de barcode, app nodig camera toegang. Contactpersonen-Voor aanmeldingsdoel, wat optioneel is. Opslag-Voor het opslaan van de screenshots in uw telefoon
- Versie 2.0 geplaatst op 2016-11-25
UI verbeterd, Nieuwe Koeriers toegevoegd, Courier Contact Toegevoegd - Versie 1.6.6 geplaatst op 2016-04-17
Grote crash bug fixed.,Couriers toegevoegd,,Functionaliteit verbeterd
- Categorie: Systeemvoorzieningen > Systeemonderhoud
- Publisher:
- Licentie: Gratis
- Prijs: N/A
- Versie: 2.0
- Platform: android